How to clean dust in your home. Tips that really work!

How to clean dust in your home? The London Cleaning Company have put together a list of things that we do to ensure our customers homes are dust free. Whether it is an end of tenancy clean, one off or commercial clean, you can guarantee that the London Cleaning Company will leave your property dust free! Read on to find out how.

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Get a microfibre feather duster to clean dust!

Dust is inevitable, and while it is impossible to keep your home or office completely dust-free, it is possible to keep dust under control. At the London Cleaning Company we are all about cleaning. Therefore we have put together this quick guide to help keep your home clean and dust free. 

Change Your Bedding Regularly

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A clean mattress will help reduce dust and dirt

Bedding can be a breeding ground for dust mites, dead skin cells, dust and dirt. As a result, the London Cleaning Company recommends you keep sheets, bedding and pillows clean by washing them once a week to get rid of dust. To thoroughly clean your mattress, follow our tips here.

Keep Your Home Free from Clutter

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Less clutter = Less dust!

The more things lying around your home, the easier it is for dust to gather. Therefore, if you want to avoid dusting, you should  declutter as much as you can to reduce dust build up. Don’t ignore those pile of books, toys or anything else that can sit for weeks without attention, as they are a magnet for dust.

Clean from Top to Bottom

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At the London Cleaning Company, whether it is an end of tenancy, domestic or commercial clean we always clean from the ceiling down to the skirting boards. Dust falls, so you should always ensure that you clean the highest surfaces first and work your way down. As a result, making it easy for dust and dirt to be hoovered up.

If You Have Severe Allergies, Use an Air Purifier

If you suffer from severe allergies, the London Cleaning Company recommend investing in an air purifier. Air purifiers work by filtering out and removing dust particles from the air. This doesn’t mean you can ditch the feather duster though! In other words, purifiers won’t get rid of dust mites (as these are not airborne). So regular dusting to remove dust is still necessary.

Vacuum Your Home Twice a Week

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To clean and get rid of  dust in your home, the London Cleaning company recommends hoovering at least twice a week. If this isn’t doable, then you should pay particular attention to high traffic areas such as living rooms, bedrooms and hallways. Hoovering is one of the easiest and quickest ways of removing dust from your home or office. You will likely notice a difference straight away. For more tips on how to hoover effectively, click here.

Sweep and Mop Wooden Floors Often

If you have wooden floors, you should dust them as often as possible and that includes skirting boards which can be a magnet for dust. You should try and dust your floors at the end of each day, and give them a clean using a mop at least twice a week. The more frequently you can clean your wooden floors, the more you’ll be able to reduce the amount of dust.

Dust Your Home Using Microfibre Cloths

Not all dusting cloths are made equal! The London Cleaning Company recommends using microfibre cloths, as they are designed to grab on to dust and dirt. To ensure you get all of the dust in your home, you can use a microfibre cloth in conjunction with a surface spray.

Ask Guests to Take Their Shoes Off at the Door

One of the most effective ways to reduce dust in your home is to have people wipe their feet on a hygienic and durable doormat. Mud, dirt and a plethora of other detritus can be easily trailed through the house. By leaving your shoes at the door, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust and dirt brought into your home.

Keep Your Pets Well-Groomed

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Pets easily shed fur and this can build up around the home. Keeping your pets well groomed, will reduce fur, dust and dirt build up around your home. If you groom your pets at home, be sure to groom them in the bathroom or on a hard floor surface, rather than on the couch or over carpet. Cleaning fur from these areas can be a chore as fur sticks to carpet. In addition to this, much like your own bedding, wash your furry-four legged friends bedding often.

Clean air ducts & vents to prevent dust

Dirty air vents can build up a dust, dirt and grime layer. Give it a good clean using a hoover with a brush attachment or microfibre cloth, which will not only reduce and remove dust but will also improve ventilation.

Book A Regular Cleaner

Having a regular cleaner is the perfect way to keep the dust in your home or office under control. Here at the London Cleaning Company we understand that the challenge of keeping your property clean and dust free on a regular basis can be tricky and nigh on impossible. That’s why we provide professional, quality domestic, end of tenancy and commercial cleaning services. If finding time to keep your property clean is a challenge, contact us now and let the London Cleaning Company take care of your cleaning, so you don’t have to!

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